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  • Nov 16, 2018

Trichoscopy in Hair & Scalp Disorders

Trichoscopy in Hair & Scalp Disorders


Trichoscopy is an examination based on magnification process to visualize detailed structure of scalp and hairs with a digital magnifier recordable, comparable, and convenient analysis.


Scalp and hairs have unique characteristics that are peculiar to respective conditions. However, such characteristics are barely visible to naked eye. Not until long ago, there was a paucity of methods to study such characteristics in sufficient detail to be useful for clinical applications. Trichoscopy offers advantages like assessing the status of normal and affected scalp and hairs, diagnosing or ruling out certain conditions, measuring progress in a case, localizing areas for procedures like a biopsy, as well as in maintaining visual records. Additionally, this procedure offers convenience, low cost, no down time, capability to capture video, and plan effective treatment strategies.With the use of Trichoscopy, both the patients and healthcare service providers stand to gain in terms of speed, accuracy, and costs connected with scalp and hair conditions.


Quick facts


·            Trichoscopy has a scope in every setup dealing with scalp and hair disorders as these are found in all countries, both genders, and in all age groups.

·            It is a non invasive technique wherein no needle, incision, or medication is required.

·            The commonly used magnification for Trichoscopy lies in the range of 20 to 70 times.

·            It is a semi qualitative method.

·            Trichoscopy can be used to study surfaces under the skin of scalp.

·            Trichoscopy can be used for children.

·            It can detect multiple conditions coexisting in a patient.




12 Common Situations in which Trichoscopy is indicated

1.                  Alopecia Areata

2.                  Telogen Effluvium

3.                  Male or Female Pattern Alopecia

4.                  Dandruff

5.                  Head Lice

6.                  Scarring Alopecia

7.                  Traction Alopecia

8.                  Trichotillomania

9.                  Psoriasis

10.              Lichen Planus & DLE

11.              Collagen Vascular Diseases (Group)

12.              Hair Shaft abnormalities (Group)





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Dr Vinay Kumar

Senior Consultant Dermatologist



+91-93 199 299 00



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