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  • Aug 11, 2018

Menopause and Perimenopause

Menopausal & Perimenopausal Health Concerns & Remedies


Whatever begins has to come to an end some day. This applies equally well to the menstrual cycle or periods of women.



Menopause and Perimenopause


Menopause is the state in which a woman has not had her periods since last 12 months without any other apparent reason. The stage just preceding menopause is called as perimenopause and this stage may last 4-8 years. The perimenopause is affected by woman’s family history and certain habits like smoking.


Menopause, which is also known as “Change of Life” is a normal and natural health event that every woman has to go through. The average age at which menopause occurs is 51 years although individual variations do occur.





 Menopause is usually diagnosed by the woman herself and generally no tests are required. The irregularity in periods is most often the first indication of this condition.



Course and Health Events


Most often, these two stages pass off without any major discomfort.


However, in some cases, a woman might need to adjust her lifestyle and may also require medication as per her unique requirements. Every woman needs a set of measures customised to her needs.


The commonest health concerns of women in these stages may be area or organ specific or may be simply vague. These might include an abnormal pattern of bleeding, hot flashes, dryness of the lining of genitals, sleep disturbances, mood swings, body aches, breast pain, reduced libido, memory impairment, and weight gain.




Most of the symptoms described above can be easily handled by a combination of measures given below:

  • Physical activity: Woman should remain active but take frequent breaks so as not to get exhausted
  • Weight loss: It is highly recommended to reduce weight especially if a woman is overweight or obese
  • Avoidance of heavy meals
  • Comfortable sleeping environment
  • Hot flashes can be made less bothersome by avoiding triggers like spices, alcohol, caffeine, and stress. In some cases, hormonal therapy may be considered.
  • Dryness of the lining of genitals can be corrected by lubricants like K-Y jelly or application of preparations containing hormonal ingredients.

In addition the above measures,

  • Woman should not hesitate to seek help from a healthcare service provider
  • Stress reduction with meditation or mental exercises
  • Joining a support group where one can share one’s concerns and to learn from others’ experiences




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Dr Vinay Kumar

Senior Consultant Dermatologist



+91-93 199 299 00



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