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  • Jun 09, 2018

Chemical Peeling

Chemical Peeling is a procedure involving application of a controlled amount of chemical solution to the skin to cause its exfoliation thereby facilitating damaged skin to cast away to be replenished with fresh layers.

The newly formed skin gives a smoother, fairer, and cleaner look to the treated area. The whole process is so gentle and the damaged layers are barely seen to be falling off.

Getting the Best Results with Chemical Peels!

Caution: Individuals having an active skin disease or infection, broken skin, herpes simplex sores or having used oral isotretinoin in the last six months or locally used Tretinoin within last 48 hours are not suitable for chemical peels.

The chemicals used in peeling depend upon various factors. Generally speaking, stronger chemicals are needed when a peel is required to reach deeper layers of the skin. The risks associated with deep peels obviously are more as they penetrate as deep as dermis which increases the down time and slows down healing process.

It has been observed that milder peels are nearly as effective as deep ones provided they are carried out at well spaced intervals and are combined with other modalities and adequate sunscreens. We prefer to use Glycolic Acid or Salicylic Acid as both of them are very well standardized, gentle, and have nearly no down time while providing consistently pleasing results. Other peels might also be very effective as newer agents keep entering the arena. Please note that:

1. Chemical Peeling can be carried out in the doctor’s chamber or a side room.

2. It takes less than 30 minutes to complete the whole procedure. In some cases, special peels need longer contact time.

3. On the day of the peel, the individual is required to have normal food, bath or face wash and should report at the clinic about 15 minutes before the appointed time without a make-up or face cosmetics.

4. The peeling process comprises a series of steps like cleaning, degreasing, application of protective agent to surrounding areas, application of the peeling agent, neutralization of the peel, drying, and application of sunscreen or other agents in that order. The whole process is painless but one might experience mild itching or burning sensation which should settle as soon as the peeling solution is neutralized.

5. Just after peeling is over, usually there is a pinkish coloration and or mild swelling in the treated area.

6. One can resume work either on the same day or from the next day which depends upon one’s skin sensitivity and type of work.

7. After the first three to four peels, improvement becomes evident and continues to get even better with subsequent peels.

Please remember

1. That the time taken for recovery is related to the depth of the peel

2. That superficial peels are superior in many ways as the peeling agents used in this type of peeling are comparatively milder and require lesser post peel care. Repetition of peels of superficial variety is rightly preferred by some physicians over the less frequent medium and deep peels.

3. That chemical peels work best for fine and medium wrinkles as seen in individuals in their 30s, 40s or 50s.

4. That unpleasant effects of peeling tend to subside as you continue with treatment since your skin gets used to the chemical agent.



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Dr Vinay Kumar

Senior Consultant Dermatologist



+91-93 199 299 00



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